PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


On Easter, I just had to put the bunny ears on Henry. He looked adorable! We had a wonderful day and he enjoyed checking out the rabbits Grammie and Papa brought over to Uncle Ryan and Aunt Natalie's house. 

Good morning, it's Easter! 

I don't think he wants bunny ears on. But, I'm determined to amuse myself anyway. 

Just gnawing on his dog with bunny ears from his doggy cousin Charlie. 

Ah, isn't he the cutest bunny puppy ever!!

We had to keep Henry on his leash around these bunnies who came to visit for the day. He really wanted to check them out!

Three Months Old

Henry is growing like a weed. He eats 4 cups of Nutro Ultra Puppy food a day (2 in the morning and 2 at night) and guzzles water like crazy. He snores and grunts while he sleeps and sort of sounds like a pig, think Wilbur from Charlotte's Web. He's probably about 35 pounds right now. But it's definitely a healthy 35 pounds. He's all muscle.

He loves to go on walks and gets excited when we get his leash out. He's a lover and a pee'er on the concrete outside the sliding door when it's too cold to get wet from the grass in the early mornings. Yes,  he's a little lazy like that. But, we love him anyway, so long as he doesn't pee in the house ANYWHERE.  

He loves his dog toys and rawhide chewy bones. He also loves to pull apart a rug I have in my kitchen. It's the same rug he loves to lay on while I'm cooking. I have to actually step over him at times while I'm moving about, preparing whatever it may be. 

Henry is a playful puppy and always wags his tail real fast when he sees us or we call his name. He has not learned to fetch the ball yet, but if perhaps he goes to get the ball, he proceeds to sit there and chew on it. 

He knows how to sit, come "here", and lay down. He knows the term "okay" and "stay". Overall, Henry is a really smart, handsome and healthy puppy. He's already grown so much since we got him. We are truly enjoying every moment with him. 

The kids still love to come home from school and play with Henry. They give him love every day. None of that has worn off, and I don't think it will. 

We are still very much in love with Henry as we were the first day we brought him home, and even more I'm sure. He's a part of our family and we're so glad! 

Henry is almost too big for his bean bag. 

Henry and Victoria laying on the floor together all cozy. Henry loves to snuggle.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Lake Arrowhead

Henry is a lucky dog. On Friday, March 30, we drove up to Lake Arrowhead and Henry got to sit in the front with us all the way up.

Such a good boy! 

We took Henry on his first walk in Lake Arrowhead down to the playground and family beach. It was a cold, crisp day and the view was gorgeous! 

Henry's first steps ever on the sand! 


Henry finally figured out there is water on this little beach. Once he got use to it, he loved it and kept going back for more! He went up to his "dog knees" and even drank a little bit. He was very curious and seemed to enjoy himself.

Henry found a ball and ran for it!

Me and Henry on the sandy beach of Lake Arrowhead. 

Henry was a very good dog in Arrowhead. We had a blast and enjoyed watching him for the first time on sand and in the lake. He was good around all the children and was "pooped" by the end of each day.