PitaPata Dog tickers

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Post Christmas aftermath

He's just a puppy, only 11 months old now. He can't do that much damage, can he? When what to my wondering eyes should appear... 

But fuzzies everywhere...

a mess of shredded tennis balls...

and wrapping paper trash seen loud and clear!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Rubber chicken and fluffy thing

Henry loved his first Christmas and all his presents!

Merry Christmas!

Henry's very own Christmas ornament

Henry got a giant bone in his stocking from Santa

Henry also got some giant stuffed creatures in his stocking, he can't seem to let the orange one go. 

Henry loved his first Christmas! 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Henry ate a candy cane!

I'm not sure how he got it, but he did. And I couldn't get it away.

Looks like it was yummy because now it's gone! 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Our Christmas Tree!

James and I started our day by dropping off the girls at school and heading to our local Trader Joe's to get some Christmas decorations. We bought a couple of wreaths, a mini potted Christmas tree and some other goodies to prep for getting our tree and get the house Christmas ready! James had to get a picture with the giant Snowman in front of Trader Joe's before we left. 

We went to our local Home Depot to get our Christmas tree this year. The kids had to pose for a picture in the Santa Sleigh! 

This is our perfect tree, a Noble Fir! It was the first one we looked at.

Henry seems to love Christmastime. I think he thought it was cool that we brought a tree in the house, and lucky for us, he isn't quite peeing on trees yet.  

James loves to try and ride Henry like a horse. Henry doesn't seem to mind either. He loves all the attention James give him, no matter what!

We decided to keep the decorations to a minimum this year. We quickly realized Henry thought that it would be fun to pull each decoration off and play. And by "play" I mean destroy beyond all recognition. 


After decorating our tree, the girls had to put up their Christmas tree. I found this cute pink one at Target a few years ago. It's a fun tradition for them to have a tree in their room too.